Colorful abstract painting leaning against a dresser in an artist's studio, featuring geometric and figurative elements. An acoustic guitar is placed beside the painting.

Nice to meet you.

The artist, Keemo wearing a cap in front of a brick wall

My name is Curt but I have been making art under the pseudonym “Keemo” since I was a young chap. It’s a name I picked up when I was younger and it stuck.

I have been making art almost every day for over 35 years. I knew from a very young age that this is what I was going to do with my life and every day since has been working to make this happen. When I was young I learned that making art is a great way to work through all the stuff going on in your head and life. It forces you to be alone with yourself and think about the world and how we all fit into it.

Which is exactly what my art is about; exploring who we are, how we all fit into this world and what the heck it all means.

A Lifetime of art. Worldwide.

You can find my artwork in private, public and commercial collections in over 30 countries.

United State, Canada, United Kingdom, Austria, Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Brazil, Switzerland, Monaco, Spain, China, New Zealand, Australia, Argentina, Denmark, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Romania, Greece, Israel, Guatemala, Norway, Finland, Portugal, Luxembourg, Malta, Ecuador, Uruguay, South Korea, Netherlands, Poland, and Ireland.

The Art.

I am interested in people, relationships and what makes us unique. While all my work is abstract, it is not abstract for the sake of being abstract. My hope is to represent what is inside of us. Not outside. I stay away from physical representation. I am interested in what’s under the skin.

That is where humanity is.


Over the last 35 years, my artwork has been used in a bunch of print and web publications. I have also participated in many group and solo shows around the world. My work is found in private, public and commercial collections in over thirty countries.

With all that said, every day I am still searching to discover new creative ideas and interesting and colorful paths to go down.

As long as there is discovery, there is more art to be made.

Thanks for joining me on this journey.

I’m glad you are here

Abstract painting of human figures with raised hands, rich colors, and geometric patterns on a blue background, being held by a person in a doorway.
A serene garden scene with a gravel path leading to a small house, surrounded by tall trees and lush greenery, including ferns and bushes, under a bright sky.

Direct from the studio.

Over the years, we have grown into a small, family business with a focus on getting the word out about all creative things Keemo. We do everything ourselves from our home/studio in Grand Rapids, MI. When you are working with us, you have our full attention and you are our primary concern. (I know that reads like marketing speak but it’s just the truth.)

We put great effort into making sure that everything that leaves our studio is high quality and unique. We make sure that everything is packaged with care and shipped quickly. (You can bet you will even find some extra art goodies in your box!)


The artwork is really much better to see in person. These screens just don’t do art justice.

Stop by and hang out for a bit. Check out new art and work in progress. I am located in Grand Rapids, MI. If you find yourself in my neck of the woods, just contact me and we can set up a time. I look forward to seeing you.

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