Now at The Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts

I’m happy (and a bit floored) to announce that my signed art prints are now available in the gift shop at the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts!

Their addition to the gift shop coincides with an upcoming exhibition exploring Diego Rivera’s formative years as an artist in Paris, before he became one of the most influential Mexican painters of the 20th century.

If I could go back in time and tell my 15-year-old artist self that my work would one day be connected, even tangentially, to Diego Rivera, I wouldn’t believe it. It’s truly an honor to be associated with an exhibition of this caliber. Thank you to the AMFA for this opportunity!

The show opens on February 6. For more details about the opening night, visit:

If you’re in the area, it’s the perfect time to stop by and explore all that the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts has to offer! Stop in and tell them Keemo sent ya!



The Collector Gallery Is Now Live!