Artist Profile on ArtRKL


A big, huge thank you to Rebekah Turner and ArtRKL for profiling me and my work on .
If you like to art and don’t mind reading, then just click here to get started.

Part I | Eyes: The Soul of Portraits

There is something so unpredictable yet predictable about portraits. They’ve been around since the creation of humanity, a way to record history and its people. We’ve seen some of the most famous pieces like Vertumnus (1591), Girl with a Pearl Earring (1665), and Portrait of Madame X (1884)—all famous because of the features portrayed on a canvas. Unique upturned noses, slicing cheekbones, and a mysterious gaze piercing into the souls of viewers. Much like these, Keemo from Grand Rapids, Michigan, takes the common portrait and reinvents it. Through “abstract neo-expressionism mixed with cubism” the mysterious Keemo turns Pablo Picasso on his head to become one of the best portrait painters of his niche. Keemo’s motto is simple: Original Art For Original People.


A New Series About Evolving From A Single PLACE